

Within YEP, we see great potential to bind Dutch Young Professionals together in the field of energy. YEP wants to strengthen the careers of young professionals to enable them to shape the future of energy. We believe in the importance of engaging Young Professionals in working towards a renewable energy society.


We aim to achieve this by encouraging our members to organize events for the members of the association on an annual basis. YEP supports learning from each other’s diverse perspectives with the aim of getting energized and empowered. By actively contributing to the challenges in the energy sector, YEP aims at engaging future leaders in energy.


YEP is an association with a diverse range of Young Professional from the energy sector. Currently YEP is formed by the young professional organizations of: Accenture, Gasterra, Gasunie, EDSN, New Energy Coalition, One Peterson, RVO, Deloitte and TenneT.